
ESA supports Truck HELP fund

ESA supports Truck HELP fund

ESA logistika is proud to celebrate 25 years on the logistics market. We decided to start a new tradition – to support Truck HELP fund by donating the annual amount of 50.000 CZK regularly. ESA Employee Charity Fund donated one half of this amount and ESA logistika...

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ESA opened a new warehouse in Tuchoměřice

ESA opened a new warehouse in Tuchoměřice

At the beginning of March 2017 ESA opened another warehouse in Tuchomerice. The location Tuchomerice is very closed to Prague and offers the excellent transport accesibility.The  warehouse covers a total area of 4 000m² for the capacity of 4 000 pallet space which is...

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Dynamic growth in ESA PL

ESA Poland Marketing Department is pleased to annouce that ESA Logistika Branch in Poland has improved its position on the Polish logistic market which was proclaim in the most prestigeus ranking of comapnies in Poland – Top1500 best-managed comapnies.We upgraded our...

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ESA helps after floods

ESA helps after floods

Following the flooding in June in Kladno, the ČČK regional association in Kladno, in cooperation with the Fire Brigade and the Town Police organized a collection of furniture and electrical appliances for families who were victims of the floods in the village of...

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ESA PL begins outsourcing TCL company logistics

ESA PL begins outsourcing TCL company logistics

At the beginning of 2013, ESA PL was authorized by the client TCL to outsource logistics which will take place in the warehouse in Zyrardowie. According to the statement from TCL, this was because of the competitive price and the highly qualified staff in the...

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ESA opens new warehouse in Ostrava

ESA opens new warehouse in Ostrava

We have expanded our portfolio with a new warehouse and cross dock in Ostrava. There are more than 4,000 palette places for clients using the complex Green 3PL logistic solution with modern warehouse facilities and possibilities for expansion. This warehouse will also...

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Looking for more information?

Contact us!

Address: ESA s.r.o., Oldřichova 158, 272 03  Kladno
More contacts of ESA logistika 

Tel.: +420 314 006 444