Outsourcing solutions
The global trend of outsourcing secondary business activities continues, allowing companies to fully concentrate on their core business. At a certain developement point, companies face problems with managing logistic activities on their own and with their own resources. A logistics outsourcing solutions are the best choice for these cases. Examples are online stores, which often outsource logistics services, but also large and global commercial or manufacturing companies that use a single logistics provider for all areas of their interests.
What is important to know about outsourcing solutions for logistics services?
After deciding to contact logistics providers and assign some or all of the necessary logistics services, another problem arises: what to do with the company’s own logistics resources (transport, storage and other technologies, storage and handling equipment and of course human resources). Suitable outsourcing solutions include handing over logistics activities and processes to a professional provider who will use the resources owned by the client to provide these logistics services more efficiently and in the required quality. In addition, these resources can be used even better, as the logistics provider has the possibility of synergies with other orders from other customers. This will bring benefits to both parties.
ESA logistika offers its customers the chance to outsource comprehensive logistic operations or just storage, transport or combination of other services. Outsourcing rests on several foundations, the most important of which is mutual and confirmed trust between provider and client.

For more than 25 years, we have acquired the know-how and experience related to outsourcing of logistics services with high efficiency.

Within the complex management of logistics flows, we provide outsourcing of all logistics activities.

We are able to manage flows of base materials, semi-products and finished products, flows inside production sites, storage, expedition, distribution, VAS and other services.

We actively participate in the planning and establishment of logistics processes within a close partnership arrangement with the client and take over individual tasks under professional management.

Outsourcing logistics services brings to our client’s higher quality, efficiency and savings as well as acceptance of responsibility for logistic flows and continuous search for opportunities for further improvement and their application.

We are able to provide outsourcing solutions for logistics services in cooperation with Hitachi Trasport System within Europe and in other countries, more here.
Looking for more information?
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Address: ESA s.r.o., Oldřichova 158, 272 03 Kladno
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©2019 ESA logistika
ESA s.r.o.
Oldřichova 158,
272 03 Kladno