Our company is focused on cooperation. Our employees are core of our success. They know our common goal, they are working hard to achieve it and are not afraid to come up with own ideas.
Life in ESA logistika
Why work in ESA logistika
Students and graduates
Why work with us?
To work with us means to be a part of one team, we accept responsibility and we face challenges together.
Opinions of our employees:
Managers, specialists and administrative workers
David Křivánek – Business Unit Manager (Kladno, Czechia)
I started in ESA logistika in 1994 as forklift driver, later I joined Expedition control. That´s antient history now. I was promoted to a shift leader then warehouse manager when ESA logistika started Value-added services (VAS). Currently, I lead five warehouses and Customs declaration department. I appreciate ESA logistika for these opportunities and the career growth as well as the possibility to study during my employment. I really enjoy the work here; I like the independency and a free hand in decision making. I believe it is important not to be afraid of responsibility and challenges. I have seen the development of the company during all those years here, I have seen it become better in general, providing larger range of services. I am happy to see my own positive results too and I am glad to have a team of reliable colleagues.
Kristína Gábrišová – Area Sales Manager (Nové Zámky, Slovakia)
I have been employed in ESA logistika since 2005. I was fresh university graduate when I was hired for a position Sales Representative in distribution department, I spent almost 10 years on that position. I got an offer for a position Area Sales Manager 4 years ago and I gladly accepted. The biggest motivation for me is to work with team of highly qualified colleagues and the possibility to learn new things on daily basis. We are also very close friends within the team so it is easy to cooperate on improvements. The great atmosphere and environment help us achieve high customer satisfaction.
Jakub Rawski – IT and Implementation Deputy Manager (Gliwice, Poland)
I joined ESA logistika in June 2013 as an Administrative Assistant. At that time, the company did not have an independent IT department and because of my previous experience and interests including running IT projects, I was promoted to an IT Coordinator and I have been managing employee support in the field of IT systems since. Now I’m IT and Implementation Deputy Manager.
Roland Deskáš – driver (Slovakia)
I have been working as a driver for 10 years now, 6 years for ESA logistics. I just like the job; it was my dream to be a truck driver when I was a kid. I work only Monday to Friday, which is suits me. I transport goods over West Slovakia, so I can be home each day. The communication with dispatchers and colleagues is very good. I was able to build trustful relationship with them over those 6 years which gives me more independency and responsibility. The company provides various trainings and pays for mandatory documentation for my work.
Blue collars
Ivana Richterová – Warehouse worker (Jažlovice, Czechia)
When I joined chilled warehouse in Jažlovice in 2014 I already had several years of experience with warehouse activities, mainly stock-taking, which was main part of my previous as well as new job. Thanks to that I adapted quickly and easily found new friends within colleagues. I also got used to the work in cold environment quite soon. Moving around and drinking hot tea help a lot.
Ernest Šípoš – Warehouse controlling specialist (Senec, Slovakia)
I have been working for ESA Logistika since 2010. Back then I started as an agency brigade worker. Soon after I started to cooperate with the company on basis of regular contract as a picker and tried several other positions through upcoming years. I was offered a promotion in 2015 since when I am working on my current position – Warehouse controlling specialist. I oversee the quality of completion of orders to ensure client´s satisfaction. I really enjoy this job, mainly work with numbers. I also like to cooperate with people and my colleagues here are very nice.
Looking for more information?
Contact us!
Address: ESA s.r.o. , Oldřichova 158, 272 03 Kladno
More contacts of ESA logistika
Email: info@esa-logistics.eu
Tel.: +420 314 006 444

©2019 ESA logistika
ESA s.r.o.
Oldřichova 158,
272 03 Kladno