At the beginning of the year 2021 we named 9 targets of our sustainable development which are important for us as they related to our company and our surroundings, and they are influenced by us. These 9 targets were chosen out of 17 targets of sustainable development as they were defined by the UN in 2015. (SDGs) We work out and evaluate total activities, goals and key factors for each target yearly. These procedures lead to continuous improvement prospectively to the maintenance of the desired state in the fields determined by each set targets.

Quality Education
Long-term and wide education of employees supported also by cofinancing from European Social Funds. Continuous support for improving language skills. Permanent improvement of the internal educational system. Education on-the-job. Enlarging of skills in the area of health and work safety. Cooperation and active support of societies and non-governmental organisations specializing in public education and socially disadvantaged individuals especially children.
Wide and intensive cooperation with academic centers and research units.

Gender Equality
Following antidiscrimination laws and rules including communication and explanation. Strict respecting of these rules while hiring employees, remunerating, education, appointing to work positions, terminating employment and also in all other activities in work-legal relations. Building heterogeneous teams. Respecting work-life balance principles.

Affordable and Clean Energy
Measurement, control and decrease of all kinds of energies consumptions in all parts of our company. Preference for green energy i.e. energy from renewable sources. Edification and communication with all employees and their involvement in saving energy and increasing energy efficiency. Implementing sophisticated technical and IT solutions which decrease energy consumption. Preparation of suggestions and projects for using solar energy in the premises owned by our company and discussion about joint solutions with the owners who hire our company on their premises.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Continual improvement of the working environment. Regular renewal of means of production ( mainly vehicles and handling equipment) with special regard for high-level work safety and comfort of employees. Possibility of home office in professions where it is possible. Consistent asserting of work safety measures and health protection during work using on-line education in these fields. Diversification of services and commodities our company operates with, a wide portfolio of customers and non-logistic services (LOGISTEED). Implementing new more efficient kinds of control with the support of highly sophisticated systems (TMS, WMS etc.) Large investment in development and enlarging scope of our company activities.

Industry, Innovation, Infrastructure
Together with our employees (innovative blueprints) and company strategy to implement to our activities innovative, technological and robotic elements aim to increase efficiency , decrease hard labor, energy consumption, fuels and other materials. Measurement of service quality and their increase. Implementation of verified innovative procedures from our Innovation center to common operations (robotic automatization of processes, vision system, photogrammetric data collection etc.). Utilizing newly gained know-how of the company in the field of services for e-commerce and for sensitive goods operations to enlarge the costumer´s portfolio in these segments.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Continue and further deepen the cooperation with NGOs and the Charity Fund of ESA employees. Create minimally two our own projects for the support of charity organisations yearly. And also cooperate with towns and communities more intensively in our surroundings to support their projects mainly in the field of logistics and environmental protection. Support of humanitarian activities. Getting more in touch with our customers and suppliers to multiply provided help and support.

Responsible consumption and Production
We are a company which provides mainly services whose volume is fully consumed by the market. As a tool for consumption control we will continue using on internal multilevel system of responsible purchase covering the spectrum from small things up to investment units. Prefer purchase and consumption of recyclable products with a reverse offtake of used materials. (tires, oils and fillings, wrapping materials, IT hardware etc.). Cooperate mainly with suppliers who exercise their own programs for environment protection.

Climate Actions
Decreasing harmful emissions from transport activities, mainly CO2. Continuously increase the percentage of vehicles with highest emission norms. (93 % of our vehicles fulfill EURO 6 norm) Decrease number of empty kilometers. Decrease fuel consumption. (We achieve this with the help of electronic traffic management systems TMS and subsequent analysis, including economic driving training. In 2022, we implemented a new advanced TMS system, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of meeting the stated goals.) Carry out tests of alternative engines and fuels, follow trends and new technical solutions for their future effective application in our transport services.
Continue with measurement of our carbon footprint (its absolute value and also value per one Euro of turnover) and also reach its annual decrease in the fields of direct and indirect emissions (Scope I, II) as we have managed since 2019.
Further develop systems of sorting out wastes and ensure its further recycling in all our centers. We are preparing projects for using rainwater in our premises and we are discussing similar topics with owners of premises we rent.

Partnerships for the Goals
Partners who we will cooperate within the areas of sustainability are for fulfilling our and their goals very important. Thus we try to win over more partners from our surroundings mainly from customers and suppliers. We can name as an example these institutions and NGOs such as TruckHelp, Chance for Children, Man in Need, Czech Logistic Association, Czech Red Cross, Noble Gift, Biegamy z Sercem foundation, Teatr za Jeden Uśmiech, SOS Children’s Villages and many others.
We reach much better results thanks to cooperation than we would be able to do on our own. Cooperation is done in the areas of providing free services and products, sharing best practices, financial support and consultancy, but also by personal involvement of our employees for example in the Charity fund of ESA employees.

We are a part of the Lean and Green Project and we strive to fulfill conditions for getting this certification.
Looking for more information?
Contact us!
Address: ESA s.r.o. , Oldřichova 158, 272 03 Kladno
More contacts of ESA logistika
Email: info@esa-logistics.eu
Tel.: +420 314 006 444

©2019 ESA logistika
ESA s.r.o.
Oldřichova 158,
272 03 Kladno