Customs clearance
ESA logistika established the department of customs clearance in 1994. We have gained valuable insights and fundamental know-how in this service and apply these gains continuously to our processes. We have demonstrated a reliable track record not only for our own customers who use our services, but also for the wider portfolio of any business’s end users
We always look for the most efficient “tailor-made” solution in the field of customs clearance for our clients. ESA logistika is a holder of the AEO-C and AEO-S* certificate with the secure foundation of a financially stable company able to provide its own guarantees.
We have opened three new offices for you. We are now able to provide you with our customs services in four locations in the Czech Republic.
The key provided services :

Outsourcing of customs services

Customs consulting

Comunication with customs authorities

Issuance of documents, representation in customs, tax and administrative procedures.

Issuance of documents confirming the origin and status of goods.

Storage of goods in customs and temporary warehouses.

Possibility to use tax warehouses at ESA logistika sites.

Duty stamp administration.

Preparation of mandatory EU statistics – INTRASTAT
Customs clearance offices ESA Logistika:
- Kladno 27201, ul. Milady Horákové 227 (Services for the Central Bohemian and Ústí nad Labem regions)
- Říčany – Jažlovice 251 01, Na Dlouhém 90
- Brno – Modřice 66 442, Evropská 886
- Ostrava 718 00, Lihovarská 692/40C
* AEO-C and AEO-S (Goods that are transported, imported or exported by an AEO certificate holder have (inter alia) a priority in customs clearance process, use simplified customs procedures, use reliefs in terms of customs checks, can use online customs procedures in approved localities, etc. This status is recognized in all EU countries; due to this fact customs procedure can take place out of the area of the Czech Rep., but within the EU.) More information here.
Looking for more information?
Contact us!
Address: ESA s.r.o., Oldřichova 158, 272 03 Kladno
More contacts of ESA logistika
Gabriela Bystrá
Supervisor of Customs Declaration
Mobil: +420 702 297 975
E-mail: bystra.gabriela@esa-logistics.eu
Karolína Pekrtová
Customs Clearance Officer
Tel.: +420 314 006 447
Mobil: +420 607 089 802
E-mail: pekrtova.karolina@esa-logistics.eu

©2019 ESA logistika
ESA s.r.o.
Oldřichova 158,
272 03 Kladno