Cooperating companies
In this section, you can find our partners and cooperating companies:

- ČESMAD BOHEMIA, the Association of Road Transport Operators
ČESMAD BOHEMIA, the Association of Road Transport Operators, is the largest association for domestic and international operators of freight and passenger road transport in the Czech Republic. It currently has almost 2100 members – business entities. ČESMAD BOHEMIA is a member of the International Road Transport Union (IRU).
- Czech Logistic Association
The main mission of Czech Logistic Association is to provide its members with professional assistance in the solving of logistic problems, to provide a platform for interaction with experts from outside the logistics field, to distribute information about the logistics and to work with logistic associations and similar organizations in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Looking for more information?
Contact us!
Address: ESA s.r.o., Oldřichova 158, 272 03 Kladno
More contacts of ESA logistika
Email: info@esa-logistics.eu
Tel.: +420 314 006 444

©2019 ESA logistika
ESA s.r.o.
Oldřichova 158,
272 03 Kladno