ESA logistics became owner of AEO certificate after a long and very demanding period of preparations, particularly the type AEO-C which is issued by Customs Office in the Czech Republic. Why did ESA actually go through such a difficult way to obtain AEO certificate.
May 1, 2016 is the day when New Customs Code comes into force and thanks to it, the significance of AEO certificate will rise. Currently, approximately 150 companies own this AEO certificate in the Czech Republic. The certificate marks so-called Authorised Economic Operator. This denomination is a general proof of reliability not only for activities associated with customs procedure and it is awarded only to companies which are cross-checked, reliable, familiar with customs matters and financially stable.
All applicants have to undergo thorough check and long-term cross-checking of company processes. Our company also successfully passed local inquiry performed by auditors of customs administration in which many employees of ESA took their part.
Goods which is transported, imported or exported by owner of AEO certificate has priority in dispatching, is less frequently checked and in case that the check takes place, it is quick, which contributes to shortening delivery times of goods.
Other advantages resulting from owning AEO certificate are for example:  

  •        Reliefs in relation to customs checks
  •        Simplification of customs procedures
  •        Declaring goods online in approved locations
  •        Status recognized in all EU member countries, therefore ESA has the opportunity to declare even outside the Czech Republic (within EU countries)
  •        Less frequency of checks
  •        When the check is necessary – the right to priority check
  •        Enhancing ESA’s reputation vis-à-vis business partners

By obtaining this certificate, ESA demonstrates the efforts to improve international business safety, elimination of risks resulting from importing goods to EU, or exporting goods to the third countries, confirms high quality of provided services and being a market leader in the field of customs and logistics services on the market. With the current trend of customs procedure computerization and rise in price of availability of guarantee instruments, obtaining AEO certificate is a great success for ESA.