Special transports

ESA logistika offer special transport projects within its Project logistics services, but also as single transport projects requiring special care due to their size, weight, fragility, or the value of the transported goods.

Projects run under the terms of special transports include

mainly road, railway, naval or inland waterway transport of oversized loads and related handling in ports, export and import administrative procedures, loading and unloading at terminal destinations, use of Ro-Ro transport (ship transport of trucks) and many other important operations. Each business case requires a different way of preparation, management, realisation and also selection of the most appropriate way of transport, including possible combinations.

High risky cargo transports

Under the terms of its Special transports services, ESA logistika manages not only oversized load transports, but also other highly risky cargo transports. The responsible team consists of ESA logistika skilled experts. In addition to transport services themselves, ESA logistika offers assistance at the start of the business case, VAS, expert supervision along the route, observance of the time schedule and ensuring the safety of staff and goods are a matter of course. 

Special transports - Special low loader for transporting oversized loads with a tractor and loaded equipment.

Special transports usually include the following services and operations

air, sea and railway transport

port services (manipulation, storage and special services related to the load’s character)

inland waterway transport

road transport of oversized load

expert supervision of special transports including final reports

import / export in a „door-to-door” mode or in other, based on the customer’s request

cargo insurance and customs clearence services

global special transport options in cooperation with LOGISTEED, Ltd.

Special transport - A special Schnabel railway wagon used for the transport of oversized and heavy loads with loaded equipment for the power plant.
Special transport - View of the harbor. Unloading of oversized equipment from a seagoing ship for subsequent transhipment by rail.

Interested in special transports?

Contact us!

Address: ESA s.r.o. , Oldřichova 158, 272 03  Kladno
More contacts of ESA  logistika

Andrzej Kubiak
Business Development Manager

tel.: +48 502 914 871

Email: kubiak.andrzej@esa-logistics.eu

Marek Elias
Coordinator of Heavy Cargo Project

tel.:  +48 505 572 481
Email: elias.marek@esa-logistics.eu