Charitable fund
“It is much more beautiful to give than to receive, especially when you give to those who really need your attention and help.”
Why was the Charitable fund of ESA employees founded (CHFZ ESA)?
In 2005, several ESA logistika employees decided to contribute from their wages to help people in need. They were united by their interest in helping people in need, by their concern for the fate and welfare of others. ESA logistika began supporting this fund from the very first and regularly contributes to it an amount that is equal to the sum of all contributions collected from individual fund members; these matching contributions have enabled the fund to grow, do more good and reach more people.Over time, the fund has grown and today (2019) more than 130 employees regularly contribute to it while this number is still going up. The collected money allows for the efficient support of both individuals and charitable foundations and projects.
How to become a fund member?
Any employee who identifies with the fund’s mission and who is willing to contribute a minimum monthly amount of CZK 100 may apply. The application forms are available at the human resources department or directly from the fund’s president Martin Karnolt. A big thanks goes to all current members; the fund of course welcomes new members, and we appreciate your help in increasing the impact and scope of our foundation.
Who does the fund help?
The fund helps individuals and non-profit organizations and supports both its own and external charity projects. Each fund member has the right to propose a project or organization to assist. The proposal may be sent to the fund’s president Martin Karnolt or to the fund’s committee members.
Who has the Charitable fund already helped?

Suitcases as Christmas Gifts
When a severe flood hit Ostrava, it unfortunately reached the basements of the Children’s Home in Ostrava-Hrabová. As a result, the children shared an unusual Christmas wish: “We’d like travel suitcases.” The original ones were well-worn, and the floodwaters rendered them unusable. As the home’s director, Mgr. Jaroslav Dvořák, told us, the children love traveling, and the itinerary for the coming year is already in preparation. To support their dreams, our ESA Employees’ Charitable Fund decided to step in. We donated 32 beautiful suitcases, which will accompany them on their adventures to new places and experiences.We wish them happy travels and plenty of discoveries! While our initial plan was to make Christmas more special with individual gifts for each child, we are glad to have supported their shared interests, ultimately giving each child what they truly wanted.

Specialized Wheelchairs for the Senior Home in Nové Strašecí
In June 2024, our next donation brought joy to the residents of the Senior Home in Nové Strašecí. CHFZE purchased two special lightweight reclining wheelchairs to enhance mobility, particularly for those with limited movement. The donation was made in response to a request from the senior home, and we arranged for the assembly and delivery of the wheelchairs. We were warmly welcomed by the residents and staff, who explained how the wheelchairs would help not only within the home but also allow some residents to venture outside and explore the surrounding area again.

Close Collaboration with Foundations – Helping Those Who Help
For many years, we have been closely collaborating with the foundations Truck HELP (supporting children who have lost professional drivers as parents) and Chance 4 Children (helping integrate children living in institutional care into society). Our relationships with both foundations are strong, and we share many common goals, continuously discovering new ways to support one another. Details of our efforts can be found on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. It is clear that both foundations, alongside their services, need financial support to carry out their missions. Together with ESA Logistics, our charitable fund contributes to their work. In 2024, we provided the following financial support:
- Truck HELP – a total donation of 80,000 CZK, of which CHFZE contributed 40,000 CZK.
- Chance 4 Children – a total donation of 173,700 CZK, of which CHFZE contributed 73,700 CZK.

With Heart for Nelinka
The activities of our charitable fund in 2025 began with the first collaboration aimed at helping little Nelinka. Unfortunately, fate has not been kind to her. At just 18 months old, doctors diagnosed her with ASD – autism. She cannot walk more than 200 meters, feed or dress herself, and her development remains at the level of a 15-month-old. Nelinka’s mother also faces significant health challenges – she has been diagnosed with epilepsy, a weak heart, brain cysts, and glaucoma, an eye condition that damages the optic nerve.
To support them, our fund joined the charity event “The Whole Universe Comes Together to Help Sick Nelinka,” held on May 18–19, 2024, in nearby Vinařice. We provided the heart of the event – a mobile planetarium, which drew great interest, and contributed prizes for the children’s raffle. Proceeds from this two-day family event and subsequent activities were used to purchase a wheelchair, a tablet as a communication aid for Nelinka, Montessori toys such as puzzles, speech therapy tools, orthopedic shoes, and to fund canine therapy and rehabilitation sessions.

The Children's Home Nové Strašecí gave us a lot of beautiful experiences

Gifts for children from the Children's Centre Kladno and ZDVOP Stochov
In the picture, “Auntie” Pamela Pixová takes over the gifts and ensures their discreet delivery on behalf of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.

Furniture for children's home in Havířov

14. 12. 2023 ESA Employees Charity Fund had gifts for children from children's homes
On the photo from the left: fund members Věra Suchá, Ondřej Bednář and fund president Martin Karnolt.

We have had an excellent relationship with Chance 4 Children for years

We continue to support the TruckHELP Foundation

Collection of unwanted clothes for the clothing bank

We continue our cooperation with the Children's Centre in Kladno
In the picture Mr. Martin Karnolt, President of CHFZ ESA, hands over clothes and toys to the social worker of the centre Mrs. Fořtová.

We have established cooperation with the association Paleček

We helped Christine to pay for therapy
Týnka’s smile in the photo belongs to all the employees of our company who contribute to CHZE. Thank you.

As in previous years, in 2022 the Charitable Fund of ESA Employees (CHFZE) continued its activities together with our company. Traditional forms of cooperation and support include financial donations to the proven foundations Chance for Children and Truck HELP.

Chance for Children especially supports children from children’s homes and offers various support programs for this purpose. Let us recall the “Stepping stone”, a project that helps children to enter real life, to find jobs, housing, education and many other activities related to their future life and employment in society. The “Hospital Clowns” project probably needs no further introduction, as it is very popular and brings a lot of joy to children hospitalized in hospitals. CHFZE contributes to this foundation together with our company, and in 2022 the total amount of money from both donors has risen to around CZK 150,000. In addition, we help Chance for Children with logistical help, cooperate with their other supporters, such as Danone or Tatran Střešovice, and thus try to facilitate some activities of the foundation and support its program for children.

The Truck HELP Foundation tries to help families where one of the parents died as a result of a traffic accident as a professional driver. The foundation needs no introduction, but we encourage you to read the article in this issue of ESA News where Tuck HELP describes its work and activities. CHZE and our company donated the amount of CZK 70,000 (each of the donors half) to this foundation.
CHZE’s mission has been to create its own projects and support the needy directly, i.e. not only through foundations. This is also what we focused on in 2022, choosing some essential ways of direct assistance:

Positioning bag for Kubík
Among other things, his mother Hanka wrote to us:
Allow me to introduce myself. I am the mother of Hank and I have a son Jakoubek (14 years old) with cerebral palsy… Kubíček was born prematurely in the seventh month… after about 10 days he got an infection associated with a large bleeding in the brain… It was a struggle for months ending with the diagnosis of DMO (cerebral palsy mental, mobility and visual impairment). The older Kubíček gets, the worse his condition is, unfortunately… the positioning of his body is also important to us…
the positioning bag cannot be bought from the insurance company, so we have to find the money ourselves.

Donation to the palliative department of the Kladno Children's Center
We very much wish that these children get well and can enjoy more “appropriate” Christmas presents in the future.
On behalf of CHFZE, the president of the fund, Martin Karnolt, handed over the emitters to DCK deputy director Ivana Balonová.

Christmas gifts for children

Eliška has a new lightweight wheelchair.
Eliška and her mother are very grateful to us and give a big thank you to us all and send us their photo.
ESA CHFZ President Martin Karnolt; karnolt.martin@esa-logistics.eu

Chance 4 Children for ESA Logistika and ESA Staff Charitable Fund: Thank you.
From the letter C4C: The support that flows to us from ESA logistika is threefold: in addition to the warehouse and occasional logistics assistance, it is also financial donations from the company and employees, as well as a discount on fuel for our cars. Full text on cooperation with Chance 4 Children: https://c4c.cz/chance-4-children-esa-logistika-dekujeme-vam/ We for C4C: Your work has meaning and results = it helps needy children and seniors, we are happy to support you.

We help Markétka return home.
The president of the ESA Employees’ Charity Fund, Martin Karnolt, presented the necessary gift for the 11-year-old Markéta. The year began with difficult news, she was diagnosed with acute leukemia and underwent her first chemotherapy. Now she has a second round of treatment. In order for her mother to take her home, our fund bought an air purifier and a UV germicidal lamp. Both should provide the right environment for Markéta in home treatment.
We thank all CHFZ ESA members for their still open hearts.

Even in the difficult year of 2021, we did not reduce our support for the TruckHELP Foundation.
Also in 2021, ESA Logistika, together with the ESA Employee Charity Fund, donated the usual amount of CZK 70,000 to the TruckHelp Foundation. We appreciate the activities of this foundation aimed at helping children. (more about TruckHelp here) Tereza Vítová, Director of the Truck HELP Foundation, wrote to us: “We thank ESA Logistika and its employees for not forgetting our children from the Truck HELP Foundation even in this difficult time, and they supported them again. Families really appreciate your help. ” We have been cooperating with this foundation for many years and, of course, we will continue to support us.

The story of Danik. Fingers crossed!
Danik was born prematurely after a car accident, at 28 and weighed 990g. Two days after delivery, there were serious respiratory complications, rupture of both lungs and massive bleeding, and severe brain oxygenation caused multiorgan failure. Daniel was resuscitated, he did not manage to stabilize until the next day. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy in six months and epilepsy was added, which he stopped in his first year. His whole life revolves around examinations, rehabilitation and exercises – Vojta, Bobath, neurorehabilitation concept therasuit, craniosacral osteopathy, synergetic reflex therapy, hippotherapy, occupational therapy. Daniel suffers from cerebral palsy – spastic quadruparesis. Despite the fact that the Danielka treatment program is very financially and time-consuming, it is making significant progress.
The ESA employees’ charity fund reimbursed Daniel for the necessary ErgoKosmík 2021 therapy in the amount of CZK 22,950 and contributed CZK 5,000 for the purchase of a special positioning wheelchair.

No child's face can be left without a smile at Christmas.
The gifts from the picture and others, based on letters to Santa Claus, were given to the staff of the Facility for Children Requiring Immediate Assistance in Stochov (Kladno Children’s Center and ZDVOP Stochov) only for safekeeping. They will hand them over on Christmas Day and they will be a surprise for girls and boys who would probably search in vain under a tree. It is more beautiful to give than to receive. This is the motto of the members of the ESA Staff Charitable Fund. They bought everything in person and paid from our fund. We thank all ESA logistics staff who contribute to the fund.

The ESA Employee Charity Fund and ESA Logistics have deepened their cooperation with the Chance for Children Foundation
The previous collaboration with the Chance for Chidren Foundation (C4C) was based on providing the logistics services that the foundation needed. These included free storage, transport and distribution of goods to children’s homes and seniors´homes. These activities made us be aware of the effectiveness and results of the C4C Foundation. We became really interested by program called The Springboard to Life. Its mission is to help adolescents from children’s homes search and find their way to independent living. From the stories of C4C educators and staff, we know that it is not easy and that they appreciate any help. ESA Logistika and the ESA Employee Charity Fund have agreed to support this program for 2021 in the amount of CZK 200,000, which they both pay half each. This decision was mainly due to the fact that a large part of this funding is intended to support the education of adolescents who grow up in children’s homes. With the right education and skills, they can get better jobs and better living conditions. The children’s home staff, together with C4C, have given us many examples of the successes of this program and many young people who have succeeded in achieving better education, a successful job, safe living, and simply well-being. Many of them already have their own families. Supporting this program makes sense to us primarily as a “non-refundable” investment in the start of adolescents’ lives, which will be beneficial for their entire lives.

ESA logistika donated money to the Kladno hospital for the purchase of new apparatuses
The Charitable fund of ESA employees and ESA logistika donated a financial gift to the Kladno Regional Hospital for the purchase of device in the amount of almost CZK 150,000. New medical technology that helps to increase hospital capacity diagnostic and therapeutic care, will serve patients in the internal medical ward. The gift took over from the representatives of ESA logistika the head of the internal medical ward MUDr. Ivo Podpěra with the participation of the Kladno hospital management. It was possible to purchase from the donated funds some device enabling higher blood oxygenation (HFNO), finger pulse oximeters and aids for respiratory rehabilitation in case of health complications after covid-19.
According to MUDr. Ivo Podpěra, the senior doctor of the internal medical ward: “These apparatuses wil be used in the internal medical ward for patients not only in the acute phase of Covid disease, but also will be used for successive care if their condition gets worse again.“ MUDr. Ivo Podpěra especially appreciates non-invasive breath support: “This equipment enables to eliminate in some cases intubation with succesive mechanical ventilation which later considerably improves their chances for survival, and it also shortens the length of patient´s stay in the intensive care unit and it makes healthcare workers´ job easier.“
“We have decided to help in the fight against coronavirus infection and support one of regional medical centers in the current situation. One half of the financial gift was raised by Charity fund of ESA employees and the other half was donated by company ESA logistika. In this way we help to finance a lot of other projects and together with our employees we participate in decision making about direction of our help.“ said Marek Cvačka, Managing Director of ESA logistika and continues: “In this case the decision to help Kladno hospital was quick and easy. From the beginning thanks to the senior doctor of the medical internal ward we knew which apparatuses would be bought and that they will help to save lives of Covid-19 patients.“
The senior doctor of the internal medical ward describes the financial donation aiming to improve apparatus equipment as a great gesture: “It is amazing that companies and other institutions are seeking common values at this time of epidemic and people are coming up with different ways to help each other. We would like to thank ESA logistika very much. The purchased apparatuses are currently used.“
The deputy of The Regional Kladno Hospital Ing. Michal Feix expressed his gratitude: “I personally appreciate voluntary help of people in this complicated time. We would really like to thanks ESA logistika and we are grateful for any provided help and gifts from companies, community and people.“

The Charity fund of ESA employees and ESA logistika handed over a check for CZK 70,000 to Truck HELP
ESA Logistika, together with the ESA Employee Charity Fund, has increased its regular contribution to the Truck HELP foundation. “We are aware that year 2020 is not easy for anyone, so we decided to increase the amount of CZK 50,000, which we regularly support Truck HELP, to CZK 70,000. Although in previous years we handed over the check ceremoniously in the presence of our employees, this year the situation did not allow us to do so. However, we are still following the very beneficial work of this foundation and we are glad that together with Truck HELP we can help those who need help, “said Marek Cvačka, General Director of ESA Logistika. Half of the amount was donated by ESA Logistika and the other half by the ESA Employee Charity Fund. Since 2003, the Truck HELP foundation has been supporting families in which one of the parents has died as a professional driver while performing his work, or has permanent consequences that don´t allow them doing his job.

Wishes are to be fulfilled at Christmas.
Like every Christmas, the Charity Fund of ESA employees and ESA Logistika represented Santa Claus and prepared a surprise for some children under the Christmas tree. In cooperation with the Kindergarten Lacinova Kladno, we selected several children who suffer from severe speech disorders, ADHD, autism, mutism, etc. Their childhood is so much different than it could be. They also had their Christmas wishes, which would remain unfulfilled due to the financial situation of their families. Yet they found under the Christmas tree gifts they had wished. We would like to thank all the members of the fund for the initiative associated with the purchase of gifts according to the wishes of specific children. Some gifts were not easy for them to be found and bought but they succeeded.

Communication IT equipment for the Libušín Seniors´Home
ESA Logistika and the ESA Employee Charity Fund donated IT equipment to the Libušín Home for the Elderly to connect with their families. Because some residents of the home cannot hear well, we have added several sets of wireless headphones. They are better suited for seniors when watching TV and family video meetings than hearing aids. Such a sharp picture, good sound and a lot of joy! The photo was taken by the staff of the Libušín Home for the Elderly – thank you.

Germicidal lamp for Seniors´Home
In May, we were asked to buy a germicidal lamp for the Home for the elderly and people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The germicidal emitter helps fight aginst C-19 and its UV rays are used to disinfect air, food and surfaces. It destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi by disrupting their structures. The lamp arrived in August and has been performing in the Senior´s Home since August 11. Apparently it really helps, because we received a letter of thanks, which made us happy.

Bicycle for Jakub Š.
Jakub Š. lives only with his mum, who is a single parent, so their financial expenses for other than basic needs are almost zero. Ms. Taťána Š. suffer from multiple sclerosis. Unfortunately, this disease will not allow her to work full time, even if she wished. Given the minimum , Jakub and his mother have to deny a lot of things that are commonplace for others. Jakub loves sports and especially cycling, so CHFZ ESA decided to give Jakub a bicycle of CZK 15,000

Our help in Cambodia
CHFZ ESA provided a donation of CZK 5,000 to the non-profit organization Hvězdice, which is engaged in supporting education in Cambodia. These include support for the operation of schools in Bantayrersey or Ta Pua, the adoption of children at a distance, the granting of family allowances for the purchase of food, bicycles, school scholarships, improving social conditions, etc.

We also help grandmothers and grandchildren
Adámek Z. has a developmental defect and his parents are drug addicted, so he is brought up by his grandmother, who had to retire early. Unfortunately, Mrs. Z. remained alone for the very demanding upbringing of her grandson, so it is no wonder she welcomes any help. CHFZ ESA thus provided an automatic washing machine in the value of 9900 CZK, provided psychotherapy for Mrs. Z. in the value of 3000 CZK and positioning chair for Adamek in the value of 2400 CZK.

We support barrier-free living
The 44-year-old Jan A., who is an exemplary father of two underage sons, was diagnosed with ALS, a gradual degeneration of the motoneurons responsible for movement. This disease is fast and affects the whole body, only the eyes and the brain do not. Unfortunately, there is no cure yet. Jan’s illness broke out so that he gradually began to lose power in his hands and now he has no control over his hands at all, he cannot eat himself, drink, take medication, wash, receive a call on his mobile, actually nothing that one takes for granted. Unfortunately he is very poor in walking and must already use a wheelchair. CHFZ ESA provided a financial donation for the reconstruction of the apartment, which had to be adapted to a barrier-free apartment.

We help to bereaved family
CHFZ ESA provided a one-time contribution of 40 000 CZK to Mrs. Martina D., widow of the deceased
Radek D., who worked as a driver for the Ostrava dispatching.

CHFZ ESA donated the necessary material to the Asylum House in Kladno
CHFZ ESA, donated bedroom equipment and sanitary goods exceeding CZK 20,000 to the Asylum House in Kladno. For most of us these are ordinary things but for women and children from the Asylum House it is a very needed item. Many thanks to all members of the CHFZ ESA.

CHFZ ESA also supports individuals
Charity Fund of Employees ESA donated to Pavel Beňák (16 years old boy), who is suffering from muscular dystrophy DMD, financial amount of CZK 10 000. The financial gift was handed by CHFZ ESA members – Mrs. Vendula Kasíková and Mr. Petr Vrbický. A big thank you to all members of CHFZ ESA!
Special pram and car seat for Dominik P.
CHFZ ESA donated a special pram and car seat worth 20 000CZK to Dominik P.

Truck Help foundation
CHFZ ESA, along with other donors, donated CZK 10,000 to the eight-year-old girl called Amalka to buy a special vehicle to move on her own. Amalka suffers from CDG 1a syndrome, a glycosylation disorder, multiorgan disease and other problems. Unfortunately, this disease is incurable. Rehabilitation, spa and special therapies helps Amalka a lot but unfortunately the health insurance company does not cover them.

New wheelchair for Adamek
Adamek was born as a healthy child, but at the age of 2 he was diagnosed with neuromuscular disease DMD. Muscular dystrophy, or muscle wasting, is a genetic disease that only boys suffer. According to a physiotherapist, Adamek’s previous wheelchair was already unsatisfactory so CHFZ ESA contributed CZK 25,000 to the purchase of a special mechanical wheelchair that allows a better sitting position.

Adjustable shower trolley for Simon and Matej
CHFZ ESA donated CZK 16,500 for adjustable shower trolley for 13year old Simon and 7 year old Matěj, who were diagnosed with a rare diagnosis of mental retardation. After Simon was born with this diagnosis, his parents wanted to give Simon a healthy brother. So they went through various genetic examinations where they were told that something so special could not happen again … unfortunately, the opposite was true, so parents with children had to change their home and move to a barrier-free house where they share care and love between two disabled brothers.

Physiotherapy and notebook for Petr
Petr K. was born as a healthy child, but life turned upside down for him and his family in just one second in October 2015. At that time, returning from vacation there was a tragic car accident that father did not survive. Spinal cord injuries occurred to Petr and remained him completely stationary and on the ventilator. Today, Petr is home from the hospital and thanks to his strong approach he does not need the ventilator anymore. He try to move his hands and improve speech as much as possible. He and his mother attend intensive physiotherapy, which is very expensive and unfortunately is not paid by health insurance companies. CHFZ ESA contributed CZK 15,000 for physiotherapy and CZK 20,035 for the purchase of a notebook.

Truck Help foundation
Truck Help foundation supports families where one parent who was a professional driver has died while working. We contributed CZK 50 000, the same amount as in previous years. In the picture is ESA logistika Managing Director Marek Cvačka, Prezident CHFZ ESA Martin Karnolt and Director of Nadace Truck Help Tereza Vítová.

We regularly support
Šimon Plachý – a monthly contribution of CZK 7000 for the son of Tomáš Plachý who died while working as a professional driver.
Matyáš Řepa – a monthly contribution of CZK 2000 to a child born with a heart malfunction.

Adélka can already hear the outside world and her mother
Adélka (10 years) lives with her mother and sister who have the same auditory handicap. Adélka needs special hearing-aids to eliminate her handicap. The price of the new pair of EVOKE E F2 220 hearing aids is CZK 30 000. Health insurance covers only 50 % of this price. The charitable fund of ESA logistika employees covered the remaining amount of CZK 15 000 necessary for purchasing the new hearing-aids for Adélka.

Christmas presents for handicapped children
Contribution of CZK 10 000 for the purchase of Christmas presents according to children’s wishes and psychologists’ recommendations. The living circumstances of these children is affected by the economic status of their families..

Truck Help foundation
Truck Help foundation
supports families where one parent who was a professional driver has died while working. We contributed CZK 50 000, the same amount as in previous years. In the picture you can see ESA logistika CEO Roman Pekrt handing over the cheque to a Truck HELP representative.

We regularly support
Šimon Plachý – a monthly contribution of CZK 7000 for the son of Tomáš Plachý who died while working as a professional driver.
Matyáš Řepa – a monthly contribution of CZK 2000 to a child born with a heart malfunction.
Adélka can already hear the outside world and her mother
Adélka (10 years) lives with her mother and sister who have the same auditory handicap. Adélka needs special hearing-aids to eliminate her handicap. The price of the new pair of EVOKE E F2 220 hearing aids is CZK 30 000. Health insurance covers only 50 % of this price. The charitable fund of ESA logistika employees covered the remaining amount of CZK 15 000 necessary for purchasing the new hearing-aids for Adélka.

ASČR emergency service
The fund contributed CZK 10 000 to the purchase of an electronic resuscitation device for indirect heart massage. The device is an above-standard piece of equipment for the ambulance operating near to our sites in Úžice and Postřižín.
Truck HELP foundation – our traditional partner
In 2017, the fund also contributed its usual annual amount of CZK 50 000.

Tomášov summer camp
Tomášov summer camp thanks Mr. Roman Pekrt and the company ESA logistika for their sponsorship.

Under the Christmas tree...
Members of the fund donated Christmas presents to children in accordance with psychologists’ recommendations. The living circumstances of these boys and girls is not easy and they usually find only a few presents under the Christmas tree, apart from ESA’s presents. We are happy that we can fulfill these children’s wishes which otherwise might go unmet without our contribution; the gift of giving has allowed us all to enjoy a richer and heartier Christmas too.

So that Matyášek could smile
Matyášek Řepa was born as a healthy baby. Absolutely nothing suggested that he would have to struggle for life. Unfortunately, after two days his condition worsened and Matyášek was diagnosed with a heart disease. The first surgery took place within five days. Many complications followed including four other surgeries during which his lungs failed and Matyáš had to be connected to a resuscitator for 40 days. Matyášek made his struggle for life successful and even though he won´t be 100% healthy and there are more surgeries ahead of him, everybody is happy and grateful for his smiles that he gives out every day. The fund contributed to Matyášek’s parents a single amount of CZK 20 000 and monthly support in the amount of CZK 2000 for one year. The reason was the difficult economic situation the family faced in caring for little Matyášek.

Christmas presents for handicapped children
Every child longs for a wonderful Christmas holiday and many gifts under the tree; and handicapped children especially deserve to find under the tree presents which make them smile if even for a moment. The ESA Logistika Charitable fund bought Christmas presents worth CZK 9 200.
We supported the Truck HELP foundation in 2016 too
The Charitable fund of ESA logistika employees is a stable supporter of the Truck HELP foundation. We highly appreciate the work of this foundation that provides not only financial support but also contributes to the general development of children in need. ESA logistika donated CZK 20 000 for summer holiday stays.
We supported the Truck HELP foundation in 2016 too
The Charitable fund of ESA logistika employees is a stable supporter of the Truck HELP foundation. We highly appreciate the work of this foundation that provides not only financial support but also contributes to the general development of children in need. ESA logistika donated CZK 20 000 for summer holiday stays.

We help Šimon regularly for several years.
Šimon Plachý – In 2016, we donated CZK 3500 monthly to the son of Tomáš Plachý, who died in the course of his work as a driver. ESA logistika had contributed the same amount during 2014 and 2015. We are happy that Šimon and his mother are doing well.
Kačenka needed our help
Kačenka Podrázská – Kačenka was born as a healthy child. But later a psychical and locomotive delay in her development was discovered. We contributed a one-off amount of CZK 5 000 to rehabilitation called KLIMTERAPY that Kačenka underwent.
Our Polish colleague asked us for help, the ESA logistika fund responded immediately
works in the ESA logistika warehouse in Ostroleka, Poland. She was born as a premature child together with her twin Antos in February 2015. Both had serious respiratory problems. Later, her brother was able to leave the hospital, but Zosia had to stay there for many long months and had to struggle with many serious health issues. She got several infections, had renal diseases, pneumonia six times, she had to get a blood transfusion and subsequently neurological diseases appeared too. Despite these issues, she is very brave and because her breathing is supported by a special device, she can stay at home with her family. We consider it a miracle that we managed to raise money for the necessary equipment helping her to stay at home because there is no other place like home. Our colleague updates us regularly about Zosia’s condition. We wish her much more happiness in life than she got at the beginning.
Significant projects supported by the fund in 2005–2014
Seeing is important to life
In 2013, Mrs. Marie Pilná applied to the fund for financial help with the payment of injections necessary for her seriously impaired eyesight that are not covered by the health insurance. We paid for the three necessary injections that were given to Marie in the amount of CZK 4200.
Start of cooperation with Truck HELP
In 2012, we started supporting the Truck HELP foundation. That year we contributed CZK 12 000 to support the development of this foundation. We are glad that other transport companies have joined us in this effort.
All children like playing
In 2012, a special elementary school asked the ESA logistika fund for help with purchasing a magnetic kit and a special platform for their ceramic workshop in the amount of CZK 14 963. Thanks to the fund members, we were able to fulfil these wishes that fosters pupils’ education.

Even though we would like to change some fates, we can only help to put up with them …
At the end of 2012, our colleague Tomáš Plachý, who was a professional driver, had a tragic traffic accident while working, and died. Immediately after the accident, we decided to support his then six-month-old son Šimon with an amount of CZK 3 500 per month. At the time of writing this, Šimon is 19 months old. We keep our fingers crossed for him and we will support him in the future as well. In December 2014 we received a sincere letter of thanks for our support and assistance in this difficult situation from Tomáš Plachý’s parents and from Miss Beranová, Šimon’s mother, including this photo of Šimon. We understand we are not able to replace Šimon’s dad, but we will do everything we can to make his way to adulthood easier.
In 2011, we contributed a total of 76 000 CZK
We contributed CZK 10 000 to Šimon for special rehabilitation. Šimon is wheelchair-bound (our contribution was just a part of the necessary CZK 50 000). We added CZK 11 000 to both Péťa and Adélka for purchasing special wireless hearing aids. We contributed CZK 31 000 to the operation of a social transport vehicle that transports pensioners and disabled people in the Kladno region, Czech Rep. We also donated CZK 13 000 to Elementary school and Secondary school Slunce (Sun) from Stochov for the purchase of seating bags for handicapped pupils.
We help not only children
In November 2010, the fund’s commission decided to help Jaroslav Vrúbal, who suffered a serious injury and became a quadriplegic in 2006. We provided Jaroslav with a folding metal frame to ease the loading of his wheelchair into the car.
We got a letter
On January 18, 2009, CZK 10 000 was stolen from us when we had to pay for coal, food and medicine for Marek Kryžan. We reported this theft to the police, and they started an investigation. But we were left without money and you helped us a lot by contributing to the coal purchase. We would like to thank you for your understanding and helpfulness in this difficult situation.
Thank you, Jana Jirásková (curator)
To help Katka breathe better
In December 2009, we bought the Trion air cleaner for Kačka (17), who has been seriously ill for more than two years. She suffers from Wegner’s granulomatosis, which affects the organs’ blood vessels as well as her skin and joints. The treatment is very difficult and weakens the immune system. Thanks to the Trion device, Kačka is protected from dust, mites and moulds at least at home.
Elizabeth’s story
In October 2008, we covered the hospitalization costs for Elizabeth (5 and half years old), who suffers from a congenital defect – spinal bifida. Due to this, she suffers from frequent urethritis that endanger her health and need to be treated in hospital. As Elinka has three siblings and the family is not well-off, the ESA fund decided to pay the hospitalization costs.
Wheelchair for Radek
In May 2007, we purchased a special wheelchair for 8-year-old Radek Hlíza, who can hardly do without it. Radek has severe psychomotor retardation, DMO. Thanks to the new wheelchair, Radek can go out every day, can regularly attend the special Korálek school in Kladno, Czech Rep., can meet his friends and other activities that help him are more accessible.
Table for Verunka
In March 2006, we bought an adjustable bedtable for Verunka, who was seriously injured in a traffic accident at the age of 18. Verunka was in a coma for a year, and her subsequent health issues lasted almost a year, preventing her from starting rehabilitation in time. Verunka needs the help of another person in her life. We are very glad that we could provide her a little help.
Journey to Ostrava, journey to a better life
In December 2005, we enabled Mrs. Pekárková, who lives alone with her 4-year-old daughter who had had poliomyelitis (she can’t speak and is bedridden), to accompany her daughter to the Bobat therapy treatment in Ostrava. This therapy improves patient’s mobility. The therapy is covered by health insurance but staying there with her daughter was not affordable for Mrs. Pekárková, who is a single parent. Thanks to our intervention, Mrs. Pekárková learned the therapy and can help her disabled daughter now.
Being “at home” is not a matter of course
Thanks to the members’ contributions, the ESA logistika fund has been contributing to the costs of a personal assistant of paralytic Mrs. Renata since May 2005. She hasn’t been able to move since her childhood and cannot do without a personal assistant. In this situation, the state health care system offers the only alternative – living in a special institute for the disabled. Thanks to the fund’s help, Renata can live “almost” independently in her own apartment with the regular help of her personal assistant.
Looking for more information?
Contact us!
Address: ESA s.r.o., Oldřichova 158, 272 03 Kladno
More contacts of ESA logistika
Martin Karnolt
president CHFZ ESA
Tel. +420 602 219 056
Email: karnolt.martin@esa-logistics.eu

©2019 ESA logistika
ESA s.r.o.
Oldřichova 158,
272 03 Kladno