ESA logistika suggested through its memebership in the association of carriers Česmad Bohemia including professional drivers to category with priority right for vaccination against disease Covid C-19. “Drivers work mainly in final phase of food distribution and necessary goods which in our opinion belong to jobs necessary for securing of functioning essential state infrastructure. The same applies to drivers of public transport and to others who provide basic supplies. It was the reason we contacted Česmad Bohemia to present this request to state reperesentatives.“ Jindřich Karas, ESA logistika marketing manager, explains reasons of this step.
Including food logistics workers to priority groups in vaccination strategy was demanded in open letter to the Health Minister Jan Blatný by „Asociace českého tradičního trhu“.
The association states that domestic traders, shop assistants, wholesales workers and logisticians are in everyday contact with customers during the pandemic situation.
Food companies and food manufacturing plants in the Czech Republic also present similar requests through Potravinářská komora (Food Chamber).
“They say food must be delivered to shops and that is why including drivers in this field of business is a logical request. We believe that this request will be recognised relevant.“ concludes Jindřich Karas.
Carriers were able to provide supplies to shops thanks to their enormous efforts and using all their reserved transport capacities during the spring pandemic wave and thus vaccination could definitely prevent repeating of the previous situation.