Our company has been watching the journey of courageous Trabantists “Transtrabant”  for several years – so  that our ESA logistika company will support them on their way to India.They will return back  to the Czech Republic cca in August. We agreed quickly and began to plan the transport. What was clear was the departure from Nová Ves pod Pleší and the place of unlouding- Kochi port in India. Later on was added the date of travel. We planned to load the container, travel to Prague to the container station, then take a train to Hamburg and from there to the port in India, plus the crossdock to a smaller ship to the final destination to Kochi. The journey will take a month and the container will travel about 7000 km (as the crow flies). In the meantime, we had to deal with interesting questions, such as customs clearance, or the insurance amount for the cargo. This is determined by the value of the cargo and we could nout find out how does it cost a worn down car – Trabant with a great history. Surprisingly, there was bad news from the shipowner that the worn down cars could not be transported to Kochi. There was negotiation and explanation that Is famous expedition and after some time the shipowner agreed. One of many other problems was the early arrival of the ferry to Hamburg. We wanted to give Trabantist  the long time for preparations (in order to not miss the loading (there was necessary to transport 2 trabants, maluch and a motorcycle to Hamburg in a container by road transportation. In our video you can see the common experiences of loading. Everybody from ESA logistika wish to all  ″yellow team“ a pleasant trip and safe and gorgeous come back to the Czech Republic.