On behalf of ESA s.r.o. sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce, I would like to inform you that as of April 1, 2023, the company is being reorganized. All activities of the company will henceforth be continued by ESA logistika Polska sp. z o.o. 

Until now, the Branch functioned as an organizational unit of ESA s.r.o. – a Czech company with its registered office in Kladno (“ESA S.R.O.”). Taking into consideration the Branch’s development dynamics, it has been decided to change the legal form of conducting ESA S.R.O.’s business in Poland. A decision was made to continue ESA S.R.O.’s presence in Poland through a limited liability company: ESA logistika Polska sp z o.o. (“New Company”) affiliated with ESA S.R.O., which will take over the Branch’s current operations.

The intended approach to transferring the Branch’s business to the New Company consists in making an in-kind contribution comprising an organized part of the enterprise constituting the Branch. The transfer is planned to take place on April 1st, 2023 (“Transfer Date”). To facilitate the relations with the contractors, open accounts (receivable and payable) related to the period preceding the Transfer Date will not be transferred. Nonetheless, any accounts regarding the business in Poland undertaken from the Transfer Date onwards are to be settled by and for the New Company.

We would like to highlight, that our prime motive is to avoid any negative impact of the reorganization on current cooperation. The New Company will continue to collaborate on existing terms and intends to fully honor the Branch’s obligations. The New Company will also be an equal member of the existing capital group.

Taking into consideration the reorganization described above, we inform You, that the Branch prepared appropriate documents allowing for efficient transfer of Your agreements to the New Company. Should anything prove to be uncertain, please contact: Justyna Błoch, PR & Marketing Manager, bloch.justyna@esa-logistics.eu

Best regards,

Łukasz Dziewanowski
Managing Director ESA s.r.o. Sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce